
The eCentral project is proposed in the context of the EU territorial cohesion policy with the vision to strengthen EU regions in their capacities to conduct projects that increase energy performance of public buildings.

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DI Theresa Urbanz, MSc
Energie Agentur Steiermark gGmbH
+43 316 269700 27

The main objective of the eCentral project is to encourage local and regional public authorities to adopt innovative technical and financial solutions for development of nearly zero energy buildings projects and long term strategic documents created within the eCentral project. The project will build on concrete results from the other EU projects and platforms (like CEC5, BUILD-UP) and find ways to remove barriers in the decision making process to create favourable conditions for a wider uptake of nZEB based renovations in public sector. Decision makers on regional and local level in Central Europe often lack the necessary expertise and precise information necessary for making decisions on long term investments in the buildings sector. Therefore, eCentral project is primarily focused on increasing the overall capacity of public sector actors through easily understandable technical and financial tools that explain successful methods for complying with complicated nZEB regulations.

Transnational cooperation will be used to receive maximum international visibility of selected pilot projects. Main outputs of the project are:

Transnational cooperation will be used to receive maximum international visibility of selected pilot projects.

A Transnational Assessment and Support Group, formed from project experts and scientific institutions will act as a support team and provide quality checks of each output.

Main Outputs

  • energy performance certificate (EPC) Tool for public authorities deployment and promotion of innovative financing schemes

  • mentoring programme and project development assistance for developing nZEB projects

  • building renovation strategies for selected regions

  • state of the art pilot nZEB public buildings in selected regions

  • established cooperation with scientific institutions and other nZEB initiatives
